Friday, 4 May 2018

Hard To Choose

In this life, every human being will be given the choice to make the best. And of course, what's done will benefit both long-term and short-term. As a human being, we do not run away from tests, confusion, ignorance and even disadvantages. everyone will have their own problems, just depend on themselves whether they can solve the problem wisely or vice versa. keep in mind with yourself that life grows up, so the test will also be heavy ... Be assured of the plans set by the Almighty.
On 2 May 2018, faculty of economics and managemenet UKM were briefed on selecting majoring costs for the 2nd year and some areas were also listedπŸ’•πŸ˜ ... among others are Monetary Economics and Fiscal Policy, Econometrics and Statistics Applied, Human Resource Development Economics, Islamic Economics, Industrial and International Economics, as well as the Economics and Natural Resources ... In the head of the brain I think two major areas of the Fiscal Policy Monetary Policy as well as the Human Resource Development Economics ... So I think I have started confuse.... because I think too much about my career and career opportunities that I'll get later ...
When I think, from the path to the path ... I'm trying to get in touch with my mentor, Dr. Shahida Shahimi πŸ˜€πŸ˜€.... she asked me about my course of study .. and she recommended me to take Monetary Economics and Fiscal Policy .... she also ask me for did not think very much about working outside ... while still studying and having a title a student in UKM, just focus on study as much as possible because through learning whatever course that i take, it will sure it can be worthwhile also in the future ...
she also pointed out that the world is now heading towards the 4th industrial revolution .. 😎😎so seize opportunities, not only succeed in the field of theory but also succeed in technical fields. one of them is to take the skills in the field of data analysis, the software concerned with data handling and so on. companies now need quality labor in terms of intellectual and skill πŸ˜“πŸ˜“
Hopefully the choices I choose will benefit my self and others in determining the wise decisions  πŸ˜“πŸ˜”πŸ˜Š... though it is difficult in the eyes of people, but if the interest was high in our life, In Shaa Allah it will be happy ... I also have my own priority and spesific target in my future.. Alright, don't forget wish me all the best .. hope to meet againπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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